But Wait...There's More
In this episode Pastor Rory preaches on 1st Corinthians 2:6-16.
To the world, the message of the cross is foolishness. When we surrender our lives to Christ and believe and submit to His wisdom, we are gifted the Holy Spirit.
Through the lens of the Spirit, God's wisdom is revealed to us. God doesn't give us explicit instructions for each day, but He does lead us daily. His ways are higher than ours.
Even as Christians we can be tempted to take matters in our own hands and look for more efficient ways of doing things.
We only see in part, what God is doing in each moment. We can feel frustrated when His path for us seems unnecessarily tangential.
Sometimes we get caught up in how we think things should be, or our goals and destination. But we are to walk with God every day, and maybe the things we think are in the way, are actually the very thing God is calling us to.